Walk-In Coolers: What Are The Available Types of Doors?

Walk-in refrigeration units are necessary for commercial kitchens, and they are convenient. Even though the process of getting one can be overwhelming since there are a lot of things that you need to consider, it is important to have all of your needs listed when ordering a unit because even the slightest detail can affect the outcome. The key to choosing the best walk-in refrigeration unit for you is to work with your seller and to make sure that they have all the information that you need. 

The first thing that you need to consider is the size and the location where you want your unit to be placed. Manufacturers will give drawings of all of their models to help ensure that the room will fit where you plan to put the unit. Once the size of the room has been determined, you need to know the size of the unit. When deciding this, you need to think about who will use the unit and how often they will be walking in and out of the cooler and how long the door could be left open. If you think that all of these activities will be done a lot, then it is best to oversize the unit. You can also get a door closer to make sure that the unit’s door is not left open because it will lose cold air. 

You also need to focus on the R-factor. Even though the manufacturers of the coolers will boast about their units having the best insulation, the R-factor can help you know the thermal resistance. It will help you know that the things kept inside the cooler will be kept cool. 

You also need to consider the type of door that you need for your walk-in unit. Depending on the space that you have and your needs, a certain type of door may be better for your unit than others. 

Glass doors

Glass doors are best for walk-in display units. They are better for you if your business’s main attraction is a display walk-in cooler. It is also important to keep the view of your products clean and free of condensation, so choosing the right glass door for your unit is vital. The glass door needs to guarantee 100% clear visibility, and they should be able to utilize light within the cooler so it can illuminate your products. 

Hinged doors

These types of doors are a classic option for walk-in units. Most offer locking mechanisms, and they are very secure. These doors are amazing for coolers or freezers that have extra storage space. They come in a variety of metal finishes to match interior designs and coolers. They also offer quality insulation to keep your freezer or cooler energy efficient. 

Power sliding doors

These doors are great for walk-in units that have high forklift traffic. Power sliding doors come in both single leaf and bi-parting options depending on how many areas you have available in your location. They are very convenient for customers and employees, and they allow easy flow of traffic throughout your business as you can retrieve products from your walk-in unit. 

Retrofit replacement doors

Some businesses already have a freezer or cooler, but their doors may be accumulating a lot of wear and tear. An older door becomes less efficient so it is best to replace it so you can keep your cooler or freezer unit in great shape. Do not worry if your unit is custom size or is an older model. Doors can still be built to fit and accommodate existing cooler or freezer opening. With retrofit replacement doors, your walk-in unit will be back to running effectively and efficiently. 
Aside from all of these, you also need to discuss with your seller about unit repairs. They should also know about companies who do walk-in unit repairs such as commercial refrigeration repair in Newark. This way, you will be all set once you get the walk-in unit.

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